Marston PteroWorks

Radio Controlled Electric Airplane Kits - unique RC designs built from wood

52" pterodactyl 80" pterodactyl micro indoor pterodactyl Marston Shark Marston Guppy foamy depron pterodactyl
marston pterodactyl

Tired of flying the same old thing?

Design Philosophy

Marston PteroWorks creates unique aircraft kits that are structurally sound, have very good flight characteristics and exhibit beautiful organic lines in their design.

Consider the elegance of a well designed wood airframe. Wood has an amazing natural strength and inherent beauty. Few man made creations can rival the strength to weight ratio of humble Balsa wood, and none can match its organic beauty and soul.

ARFs - vs - home building

Why buy an Almost Ready to Fly plane assembled in China by poorly compensated laborers, when you can build it yourself, take pride in your work and enjoy the fruits of your labor?

Flying a plane you've built with your own hands becomes a more meaningful and pleasurable experience.

CNC Laser Cutting

CNC laser cutting of all wood kits is done in-house. Please inquire if you have any custom short run laser cutting needs.


Ptero - (tér-o); n; Greek: wing, wing-like
Works - n, pl; the mechanism of a machine

PteroWorks is the creation of an RC enthusiast with a lifelong fascination of aesthetics, mechanics, design and flight.

RC flight a visual hobby.
Why not fly something interesting looking?

In the Works...

RC Radio Network PodCast of RCRN interview of Ron Marston